Saturday, 20 November 2010

West Citizen Assembly Interviews

                        Paula Pagini from Our Lady &St. Joseph -R.C. Churge

- Is it good for the image of British Society to leave a human being in a destitute state without cash?
Paula: The problem is deeper. It is madness. They need help; some intensive cash.
-What is your opinion about the Benefit cuts and rising energy bills i.e. British Gas for low income people?
Paula: This affects every body, things goes up, not only fuels. People suffer for cuts. Everything nowadays becomes online. Elderly may parish and will not have access to internet.
-What action can you take about the above issues?
Paula:  This has to write on newspapers, proper interview must be taken, slogans, signs at tube stations, etc

                                        Fatumro Godmihin, St. Stephens

Is it good for the image of British Society to leave a human being in a destitute state without cash?
Fatumro: It is recognised a little bit. Reasonable cash, or incentive money.

- What is your opinion about the Benefit cuts and rising energy bills i.e. British Gas for low income people?
Fatumro: CEO- Cheapest.

-What action can you take about the above issues?
Fatumro: St. Stephen will stand to help

                                    Dalla, Inistitute for public achieve Research

- Is it good for the image of British Society to leave a human being in a destitute state without cash?
Dalla: No Much information. More flexibility is needed.

- What is your opinion about the Benefit cuts and rising energy bills i.e. British Gas for low income people?.
Dalla :Very difficult to cope
- What action can you take about the above issues?.
Dalla: Will undertake research, to use as evidence how people are struggling, etc.

                                                                              Ms. Jad

Is it good for the image of British Society to leave a human being in a destitute state without cash?
Jad: I am aware the Azure Card and destitution of Asylum seekers. It is not good.

- What is your opinion about the Benefit cuts and rising energy bills i.e. British Gas for low income people?.
Jad: It is awful. This makes the poor much poorer.

- What action can you take about the above issues?
Jad: All affected people must unite to have strong voice

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